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Pipe Caminetto, Handmade by Tommaso Ascorti. New, never smoked. The Caminetto Event series was created by Tommaso Ascorti in honor of his grandfather Peppino, founder of the Caminetto Pipe. Every year a historical shape created by Peppinois reproduced, revisited in a modern key; in 2020 the shape is 139, stand up saxophone. The finishing of the proposed pipe is rusticated, in particular the name of this rustication is called "SKIN", made by Tommaso, which has the characteristic of being very deep; the pipe has a handcut methacrylate mouthpiece with copper ring.

Misure (Measures) in mm

Lunghezza (Lenght)120 mm
Altezza testa (Bowl height)64 mm
Diametro esterno Min-Max (external bowl diameter Min-Max)20-42 mm
Diametro fornello (Chamber diameter)
19,5 mm
Profondità fornello (Chamber depth) 53 mm
Peso (Weight)52 g

Caratteristiche (Details)

Marchiature (Stampings)Caminetto EVENT 2020 HAND MADE
Stato (Condition)Nuova (New)
Bocchino (Mouthpiece - Stem)Metacrilato (Methacrylate)
Filtro (Filter)NO

If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us by email info@tabaccheriaguzzi.it.

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